Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Welcome to the HearWhere Blog

Thanks for stopping by.

On May 22nd 2008, I launched hearWhere.com. A simple website for finding live music anywhere in the world.

Hopefully I'll be able to keep this blog up to date with updates regarding hearWhere, and I'll likely comment on other web apps, technology developments and random thoughts.


Blogger lilious said...

How does HearWhere works ? Is it fetching data from myspace only or from other sites as well ?

What is the location format band should use when they announce their show on myspace? I've tried one band I know (http://myspace.com/lesbijouxdefamille) but the locations are not recognized ("adress not found").

On another topic: is there any mashup locating bands from myspace on a google maps? (bands address not live events) It would be very useful to see a band (and its followers) ploted on a googlemap. Could you add such a feature ? (Make a ViewWhere service ??)

June 25, 2008 at 1:45 PM


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